Communities In Schools of Federal Way-Highline is working with our neighborhood schools to help ensure that kids who have certain needs can find the help they need from the school. Neighbors, we can help too.
There is a request for items such as: backpacks, deodorant*, toothbrushes/toothpaste*, mouthwash, dental floss, trial-size shampoo*, trial-size conditioner*, soap/bodywash*, hair gel, body lotion, menstrual products*, hair brushes and accessories, and laundry detergent. These items are gratefully accepted at the school office. (* items are primarily of need.)
Some families struggle with food insecurity. Items needed for sending home with kids over the weekends: easy to prepare, nutritious/healthy snack items, snack size packaged crackers, granola bars, juice boxes, microwave soup or mac and cheese, fruit cups single serving cereal or microwave oatmeal.